Dadong Wang: Software Architect, Software Developer (HCA-Vision)
Yulia Arzhaeva: Software Developer (HCA-Vision)
Piotr Szul: Software Developer (Workflow Management Framework)
Shiping Chen: Software Developer (Workflow Management Framework)
Neil Burdett: Software Developer (MILXView)
Alex Khassapov: Software Developer (X-TRACT)
Luke Domanski: HPC Specialist (Cloud-based GPGPUs)
Darren Thompson: Application Support Specialist (Advanced Scientific Group)
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Dr Tomasz Bednarz is a Computational Research Scientist within the Quantitative Imaging group at CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics in Sydney. Tomasz joined CSIRO in early 2009 and worked two years as 3-D Visualisation Software Engineer at CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering in Brisbane. Before that, he worked as Research Associate and Senior Research Fellow at the School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, James Cook University in Townsville. Tomasz received his PhD from Kyushu University in Japan and MSc & BSc from the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology in Poland. Tomasz is actively pursuing activities in the field of Computational Imaging and Visualisation science in the Computational and Simulation Sciences TCP. His broad range of expertise – spanning from image analysis, through simulations and experiments with fluids, visualisation, computer graphics to human-computer interactions is evidenced by the quality and number of publications (over 80 contributions to date). E T +61 2 9325 3213 |
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Dr Yulia Arzhaeva is a software engineer working in Quantitative Imaging Group. She obtained her PhD in Medical Image Analysis from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands where she developed computer-aided detection systems for chest x-rays and computed tomography images. Since 2008 Yulia has been developing various image analysis software applications in CSIRO.
E T +61 2 9325 3190 |
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Dr Dadong Wang is the project leader of Quantitative Imaging at CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics. He received his PhD in intelligence based computing and engineering applications of artificial intelligence. He worked in the industry for over six years before joining CSIRO. His research areas of interest include image analysis, intelligent systems, high performance computing and software engineering. He is the architect and main developer of HCA-Vision, CSIRO's automated high content analysis software package that rapidly and reproducibly measures functional features of neuronal cells. He has served as a reviewer for many conferences and journals. E T +61 2 9325 3223 |
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Piotr Szul is a Research Project Officer (Senior Software Engineer) in CSIRO ICT Centre where as a member of the distributed systems team he develops middleware and workflow components for a cloud based image processing toolkit. He has over ten years experience in software development in a diverse set of environments, roles and technologies with primary expertise in Agile development of commercial Java/J2EE applications. Prior to joining CSIRO, Piotr worked as a software engineer in several companies including Suncorp Group, Macquarie Bank in Australia and Volantis Software in Poland. E T +61 2 9372 4343 |
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Dr Shiping Chen is an IT professional with over 20 years research experiences and combined R&D skills. From 1990 to 1999, he worked on real-time control, parallel computing and CORBA-based Internet gaming systems in research institutes and the IT industry. Since joining in CSIRO in 1999, he has worked on a number of middleware-related research and consultant projects, including software architecture, software testing, software performance modelling and trust computing. He has published extensively in these areas, ranging from academic research papers to in-depth industry reports. In the past several years, he has been working closely with the University of Sydney by teaching and co-supervising PhD/Master students. He is actively involved in research community services on web and service computing areas including WWW, ICSOC, ICWS, SCC. His current research interests include software architecture (performance, security, fault-tolerance), service computing (Service Query, Service Transaction Management, QoS Monitoring) and cloud computing (Trusted Cloud Storage and Cloud-based Secure Multi-party Collaboration Systems). E T +61 2 9372 4663 |
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Neil Burdett - after gaining his degree in 1994 he travelled for a couple of years before joining a software company in London. He worked in their "Space and Defence department" and worked as a contractor on their behalf, in Paris, for the Eutelsat satellite communications organisation, and in Germany for the European Space Operations Centre. He moved to Brisbane in 2008 and joined CSIRO, after first working in Sydney. E T +61 7 3253 3626 |
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Alex Khassapov graduated from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (State University) in 1989 with degree in control and safety systems for nuclear power plants. Since then he spent 23 years designing and developing software for industrial control systems, scientific instrumentation and stock trading systems. He joined CSIRO in 2009, contributing to various projects, i.e. Remote Computed Tomography reconstruction services at the Australian Synchrotron, Bushfire, Ningaloo Reef projects and X-TRACT. E T +61 3 9518 5947 |
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Dr Luke Domanski is High Performance Computing and Applications Support Specialist in CSIRO's Advanced Scientific Computing Group, where he assists other scientists to achieve optimisation and large scale parallelisation of their codes. His research interests include parallel and heterogeneous computing, image analysis, and GPU computing. Luke received his PhD in 2008 from the School of Computing and Mathematics, University of Western Sydney, where he studied 3D computer graphics, specialising in surface mapping and remeshing, digital topology, voxelisation, and isosurface extraction.
E T +61 2 9325 3247 |
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Darren Thompson is an Application Support Specialist with CSIRO's Advanced Scientific Computing group. His current work focuses on the development of HPC software for X-ray imaging and computed tomography. Prior to joining CSIRO, Darren worked for worked for the Australian Road Research Board and spent over ten years in private industry developing software for traffic analysis and optimisation. He holds an honours degree in Computer Science from Monash University. E T +61 3 9518 5940 |